Once Brewed to Housesteads This walks starts at Once Brewed in the car park of The Sill: National Landscape Discovery Centre, it is worth noting that car parking changes apply when parking. We leave the car park heading north and cross over the Roman Road heading up the incline to Peel Cottage, just past the cottage are sign posts directing us right (East) where we pick up the path of the Roman Wall, the path is well defined and maintained, it was pretty boggy underfoot when this walk was undertaken (it was February!). As we continue along the path we come across the remains of mile castle 39 and then shortly after this Sycamore Gap, at the right time of year there are some great photography opportunities here. We climb once again and as we continue along the route of the wall we pass Crag Lough on our left (to the North). As we come down off the fell adjacent to Crag Lough we see a farm ahead of us and slightly to our left, we follow the track which taken us behand the farm, it is worth taking a look back across Crag Lough. We then had up the incline and continue along past Hotbank Crags and Cuddy’s Crags before approaching Housesteads Roman Fort. Housesteads to Once Brewed via Vindolanda After leaving Housesteads Roman Fort we pick up the Roman Road where we pick up a stile and wooden signage and once again head off over the fells towards East Cridledykes, once through the farm we head up the tarmac path towards the single track road, where we turn right (heading West). We continue down the road, passing a turn on our right before coming up to a sign for Vindolanda where we turn right (heading NE). We continue along the single track road which takes us into the valley and then up past Vindolanda on our left. After passing Vindolanda we continue along the single track road and pass the thatched Causeway Cottage on our right. When we come to a small wooded area on out right we come to a T junction at Smiths Shield where we turn right and head back to the car and the end of the walk. Enjoy! |